Matt O. Hanhila
Sport: Meritorious
Matt O. Hanhila was a scholar, teacher, administrator, coach, and official in Arizona's public school systems for an unbelievable career of 58 years. Dr. Hanhila was born in Finland and came to this country in 1913. He attended college and has the rare distinction of receiving his Bachelor's (Arizona State Teacher's College--now NAU), Master's (U of A), and PhD (Arizona State) degrees at all 3 of the major universities in the state. Dr. Hanhila began his career in education in 1932 in Mohave County. He taught nearly everything and coached all 4 major sports during that period. His Kingman Bulldogs were the Northern Arizona Basketball champions twice and runners-up once. Hanhila is credited with organizing the Arizona State Coaches Association in 1933. "Hanny", as his athletes called him, then moved to the Phoenix Union District in 1953. He was the first principal of South Mountain (1953-57) and then the first principal of Carl Hayden (1957-63). From there he moved on to be the Superintendent of the Paradise Valley School District (1963-65). Coach/Dr. Hanhila's career took its final stop when he moved to administration with the Maricopa Community College District in 1965 and served as an assistant Dean and ultimately Executive Dean at Glendale Community College. Hanhila retired in 1975, but he continued to teach Math at Glendale CC for another 14 years. Coach Hanhila coached high school sports at Kingman High School for 15 years and college football for 22 years. In addition to this Hall of Fame, the Glendale CC campus football stadium, the AIA Sportsmanship Award, and a GCC Academic Scholarship bears Dr. Hanihila's name. The coaching highlight of Hanhila's career was coaching the 1938 ACA Basketball All-Stars on New Year’s Day vs. the Chicago All-Stars. Final score Chicago 9, Arizona 6.
School at Time of Induction: Carl Hayden High School
Year of Induction: 1988